Carys Hughes | Nature Connects Perthshire

I am Carys and I am the Director of Nature Connects Perthshire CIC. I have always had a passion for Health and Wellbeing and I believe Nature and Mindfulness can play an important role in supporting our own wellbeing. My other passion is supporting people to improve their own wellbeing and using nature as a wellbeing tool is how Nature Connects came to life.

Nature Connects offers various sessions such as Tree Babies, Wellbeing and Foraging, Mindful Nature Walks, Forest Bathing, Creative Mindfulness and Meditation, Family Nature wellbeing sessions to name a few.

Nature can heal us and help reduce modern day anxieties and stress. Being outside in nature opens us up to many benefits and Nature Connects can facilitate lots of fun and supportive ways to enjoy nature to improve people's health.


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